The Redhill NDT Consulting Team has many years of experience in the application of NDT technologies to a wide variety of complex problems within the petrochemical, energy, and aerospace industries.
An ASNT certified Level 3 consultant at Redhill NDT can help you find solutions to your inspection challenges.
Redhill NDT supports your needs for:
NDT consulting
Level III services
Procedure development
Review for all NDT methods, including Radiography, Ultrasound, Magnetic Particle, Liquid Penetrant, Eddy Current and Visual inspection.

These services include:
Ensuring that processes and application of the NDT techniques are in accordance with the applicable specifications.
Providing third party assistance for evaluation of NDT procedures and inspection
Providing Level III and Quality consulting for procedure and technique development meeting ASME, API, AWS or customer requirements.
Providing written practice for training and certification of NDT personnel in accordance with SNT-TC-1A or CP-189
Assistance in NDE training programs.
QA/QC audits or pre-audits.
Working with customers to answer audit findings.