Ultrasonic Courses
Method using very short ultrasonic pulse-waves to detect internal flaws or to characterize materials and also measure material thickness
Course topics include:
· The principles and theory of performing ultrasonic examination, including the nature of sound, propagation and acoustics
· Description of pulse echo, transducer, thickness, flaw detection, and immersion equipment and their operation, calibration and maintenance,
•Basic testing methods,
•Straight beam and angle beam inspections to specific procedures,
•Review of ultrasonic indications, discontinuities, product forms and their appearances, interpretation and evaluation of results, and completion of data and technique records.
This 40-hour course exceeds the instruction outline and criteria specified in the ASNT Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A.
Ultrasonic Testing (UT) - Level II
Method using very short ultrasonic pulse-waves to detect internal flaws or to characterize materials and also measure material thickness.
Course topics include:
· Advanced theory, application, and variables such as beam profile, near and far zones, acoustic impedance, absorption, and sound characteristics,
· Other subjects pertaining to angle beam inspection include refraction, mode conversion, and tip diffraction,
· Vertical/Horizontal linearity and mode converted calibrations,
· Testing techniques, equipment and calibration,
· Evaluation of base-material product forms, including process review, types, origin & orientation of associated discontinuities and their responses to ultrasound, and applicable codes & standards for each,
•Evaluation of weldments,
•Discontinuity detection and techniques.
Evaluation procedures and object appraisal examination and evaluation of several test specimens is required.
This 40-hour course exceeds the instruction outline and criteria specified in the ASNT Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A.