Magnetic Particle
We perform in house and field inspections using dry powder, wet fluorescent and contrast methods employing prod & coil and yoke equipment , depending on the application.
Call or contact us to find out more, or to schedule your inspection today.
Dry Contrast
Dry powder is dusted onto the part surface while a magnetic field is applied.
The magnetic particles indicate surface cracks and shallow subsurface cracks.
This technique woks well for rough surfaces.
Wet Contrast
The wet particle contrast technique offers sharper indications than the dry powder technique. Typically we use white contrast paint and black particles in a liquid suspension. The suspension is sprayed onto an area of the part where a magnetic field is being applied.
Wet Fluorescent
This technique is much like the wet contrast technique, and also produces sharp indications. The suspension glows under UV light, making indications easier to see.
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Call or contact us to find out more, or to schedule your inspection today.